Traumatized Stray Dog Cries Himself To Sleep Every Night…

Seeing dogs that struggle to overcome the past trauma of the abuse that they have experienced can be difficult. The last thing anyone wants to see is an animal that is dealing with issues that were caused by an unkind human. The dog in this story recently experienced just such a trauma and the results are absolutely heartbreaking to anyone who comes across him.
Nuri is a street dog who resides in South Korea. He has been living outside for much of his life. Fortunately, rescuers have finally been able to track him down. The rescuer explains their first encounter in the video below. The story is a rather touching one that makes us wonder what kind of monsters exist in the world. Nuri was forced to endure the slings and arrows of humanity in the worst way possible.
The rescuer heard him crying out during what should have been a peaceful slumber. The animal sounded like he was being abused, but this was the furthest thing from the case. While she did not know exactly what was wrong with the pup at first, she soon came to realize the sad truth. He was stricken with spasms in one of his hind legs and had a deep wound embedded in his side.
Some men had attempted to snatch up the dog and stabbed him during the scuffle. Why someone would ever be willing to stab an innocent dog like this is something that is well beyond our level of comprehension. Nuri could no longer sleep through the night like a normal dog would because he was plagued with the traumatic memories of the awful abuse he experienced.
The idea of a dog suffering from a form of post traumatic stress disorder might seem silly to some, but this is exactly what Nuri was facing. He has since been taken away from his life as a stray on the streets and his rescuers are cautiously optimistic that he will be able to find the right home. Thankfully, there are good people in the world who actually care.
The violence that stray dogs are forced to deal with causes them to be become very mistrustful of the outside world. We are hoping that he is able to put the mental distress that he experienced behind him and live a happy life. All dogs deserve to be treated well. Please share this story to spread awareness about the dangers of animal abuse.