Police Start Using New Radar Guns That Detect More Than Just Speed

How to Decide Between RADAR vs. LIDAR for Your Police Department ...

You have probably seen police officers point a radar gun at passing cars. Those tools can be used to detect if a car is speeding by clocking a vehicle’s speed.

But you probably didn’t know that those radar guns can also be used to see if a person is texting and driving! Distracted driving is a big problem. It is illegal in many states to text and drive, but people still do it.
A Virginia-based company developed the guns. They work by detecting radio frequencies – these frequencies are emitted from a cell phone.

There is a different frequency the phone emits when a text message is being sent. When the radar gun detects the text message frequency, they know someone in the vehicle is texting while driving.
The gun will soon be in officers hands; it isn’t on the market yet. This technology will save lives! Share away, people.
Take a look at the video below:

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Beater Bomb Mustang And Nitrous Malibu Clash In An EPIC STREET RACE

The amazing muscle cars are back at it again on the streets of Mexico! 

This time, it is the Internet sensation known by the name Beater Bomb and the nitrous Malibu that dueled for the bragging rights. 

Both of these rides are supremely fast, and the track is quite short, so it really could’ve gone either way, but there can only be one winner.

Newborn Puppy Was Dumped On The Street, Crying – Still Finds It In Himself To Trust Humans

The story of any animal being rescued is enough to pull on your heartstrings, but this little guy has a truly unique story. Unlike other dogs, this sweetheart was abandoned as a newborn. Since he was fresh out of the womb when he was left out on the street, he faced different challenges than most dogs. His story of finding a forever home will warm your heart.
Joy was just a teeny puppy when his owners left him for dead on a sidewalk in Romania. When the rescuers from Howl of a Dog found him, they knew they had to take him in. It was heartbreaking to see this lost soul, crying and alone. With a little love and care, Joy was able to become a wonderful pet.
Newborn puppies face different challenges than puppies that are abandoned in a later stage of development. Joy was still blind and deaf when he felt his feet hit the hard sidewalk. He didn’t have his teeth yet, either. Since puppies this young aren’t able to maintain their body temperature on their own, rehabilitating this little guy required extra attention.
It was all worth it in the end. As Joy grew bigger and stronger, his caretakers thoroughly enjoyed his loving demeanor. By the end of his first week in his new life, this pup was eagerly sipping milk out of a baby bottle. He was even used to being held and interacting with his humans.
Like all young puppies, Joy spent most of his time sleeping. By his third week with his rescuing family, he had made a best friend. A white Siberian tiger stuffed animal accompanied him on his adventures. As Joy continued to grow bigger with each passing day, it became apparent that he would fit right in with his new family. It was time to introduce him to the other dogs.
This puppy was a pip squeak compared to his big brothers. They absolutely adored his adventurous attitude, playing with him and letting him climb all over them. Joy was shaping up to be a treasured part of the pack.
Finally, a few weeks before Christmas, the team at Howl of a Dog received wonderful news: Joy had found a forever home. “A family from the Netherlands fell in love with Joy and wanted to adopt him,” the organization shared. Needless to say, this pup was thrilled to go home to a family of his own.
“They were so eager to meet Joy, that they couldn’t wait another day,” rescuers reported. “They decided to drive across Europe to personally pick him up.” With that kind of dedication, it was clear that this was the right family for the dog.
The rescuers met the adoptive parents halfway through the continent, in Vienna. They brought along Joy’s favorite toy, which the puppy would keep by his side as a source of comfort as he entered his new life.
Joy’s new family couldn’t be happier to have him. This once-abandoned puppy has become an essential part of the family. It is heartwarming to see him frolic and play at his new home.
Joy’s story reminds us what we can do when we give a little love. Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Little Dog Has No Idea How To Get A Treat, So Big Dog Intervenes In Hilarious Way

A video has gone viral featuring a dog owner trying to teach her puppy Romeo how to “sit” and offering a treat as a reward. But the best part is the response of the other dog in the clip, Rory.
Rory, the older of the two Siberian Huskies, follows instructions perfectly. He shakes hands as instructed and is given a treat. Romeo, on the other hand, is less cooperative.
The puppy has no interest in listening to his human’s directions. He keeps hopping up on her lap and lunging at the delectable treat in her hands.
But Rory tries to put the younger pup in his place by putting his paw over Romeo’s head to push him down and try to get him to obey the command.
One Facebook user commented,
“OMG this is so cute!!! He’s trying to teach him.”
Another added,
“This is the best thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
By the end of the video it appears that Romeo has learned the ropes and obeys when he’s asked to sit and shake paws. Aww, good boy!

Husky Puppy Tries Howling For First Time, Ends Up Sounding Like A Cat In Distress

A baby’s first word is something that all parents wait for with baited breath. And it’s no different for parents with furbabies!
A puppy’s first howls are usually high-pitched and piercing, especially if it’s a Husky puppy. But it’s music to the ears of a pet parent.

Like this tiny little Husky puppy’s first ‘howls’. His instincts automatically make him go “Awoooo” like his wolf ancestors. Although his howls are not yet as refined as his older relatives, this pup sure has heart!
It’s too cute watching him clearing his throat and trying over and over to get the howl right.
This puppy’s face looks so intense as he tries out his newly found vocal cords! It’s almost as if he’s calling to his brethren with some very important news.
The funniest part is how the puppy sounds more like a cat than a howling wolf! Keep trying little buddy! You’ll get there!
Click the video below to watch this cute pup’s first attempts at howling!

Shelter Puppy Says Incredible “Thank You” Moments After Being Adopted

All abandoned dogs wonder when they will be saved from the animal shelter and finally feel love. When that day finally came for this sweet dog, and got to leave the shelter and go home with his new momma, he wanted to show her how appreciative he was. So he said ‘thank you’ in the most beautiful way.
It’s hard to understand why anyone would ever want to hurt a dog. They love us unconditionally, no matter what, which unfortunately makes them easy targets for terrible people. This sweet pup was discovered tied up to a chain, with nobody there to love him.
The adorable dog had likely been abused, so it would be understandable if he didn’t trust humans anymore. But in this dog’s case, that wasn’t the case. The little guy had so much love left to give and thankfully, a woman adopted him and brought him home with her.
On the way to his new home, the dog sat in the car next to his new momma and wanted to show her just how grateful he was. As he cuddled up to her and nuzzled his head into her arm, she sobbed with both sorrow and love.
The poor pup tried to comfort her, sensing her tears. The tears she shed were for the sadness this dog had endured and for the happiness that she knew he would finally feel now he was safe in her care. It’s hard to watch this video without getting a tear in your eye, yourself.
What is even more pure about this video is that the dog feels like it is his responsibility to make his new momma feel better. When actually it is now his turn to be the one taken care of.
Watch the touching video of the sweet dog below – make sure you have a box of tissues on hand. Share this beautiful video with your friends to raise awareness of adoption. There are so many animals without homes that need a loving family just as much as newborn puppies. We love hearing your thoughts here at Happiest, so be sure to leave your comments in the section below. 🐝

Cops Snuck Into Her Backyard And Her Dog Bit Them…Now She’s Pleading Them Not To Euthanize The Dog

When police entered the backyard of Kristine Vanderberg’s home in Bay City, Michigan uninvited, her pit bull bit the police officer. Sarge, the pitbull, was only doing his job of defending the home, but now Vanderberg has to fight to keep her dog from being euthanized.

Vanderberg was inside the house taking a nap when police arrived. After Sarge attacked the police officer, the other officers shot him with a stun gun, and has been held captive by the Bay County Animal Control ever since.

Vanderberg has the support of her community, and some have started Facebook pages, petitions, and fundraisers to support her pup who was only doing his job! Share what you think in the comments below!