Husky Puppy Tries Howling For First Time, Ends Up Sounding Like A Cat In Distress

A baby’s first word is something that all parents wait for with baited breath. And it’s no different for parents with furbabies!
A puppy’s first howls are usually high-pitched and piercing, especially if it’s a Husky puppy. But it’s music to the ears of a pet parent.

Like this tiny little Husky puppy’s first ‘howls’. His instincts automatically make him go “Awoooo” like his wolf ancestors. Although his howls are not yet as refined as his older relatives, this pup sure has heart!
It’s too cute watching him clearing his throat and trying over and over to get the howl right.
This puppy’s face looks so intense as he tries out his newly found vocal cords! It’s almost as if he’s calling to his brethren with some very important news.
The funniest part is how the puppy sounds more like a cat than a howling wolf! Keep trying little buddy! You’ll get there!
Click the video below to watch this cute pup’s first attempts at howling!