Little Dog Has No Idea How To Get A Treat, So Big Dog Intervenes In Hilarious Way

A video has gone viral featuring a dog owner trying to teach her puppy Romeo how to “sit” and offering a treat as a reward. But the best part is the response of the other dog in the clip, Rory.
Rory, the older of the two Siberian Huskies, follows instructions perfectly. He shakes hands as instructed and is given a treat. Romeo, on the other hand, is less cooperative.
The puppy has no interest in listening to his human’s directions. He keeps hopping up on her lap and lunging at the delectable treat in her hands.
But Rory tries to put the younger pup in his place by putting his paw over Romeo’s head to push him down and try to get him to obey the command.
One Facebook user commented,
“OMG this is so cute!!! He’s trying to teach him.”
Another added,
“This is the best thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
By the end of the video it appears that Romeo has learned the ropes and obeys when he’s asked to sit and shake paws. Aww, good boy!