Stray Dog Is So Happy to Show Rescuers Her Babies

Hope for Paws received a texted image of a stray dog and her puppies. The dog had wandered to a woman’s house five days earlier, and promptly gave birth right in her yard!
The dog, now named “Spring,” was the friendliest lady. She came right up to Loreta Frankonyte and jumped up to say ‘hello.’
She also let Eldad Hagar approach and handle her puppies, and soon they were on their way to a new beginning.
Spring and her pups are now with the LoveJoy Foundation so they can find a new home.

After Spending a Lifetime Behind Bars in a Kill Shelter, this Dog Gets a Real Bed for the First Time

Sadly, Bandit is just one of many dogs who spend their days behind bars at kill shelters, getting fed just enough to survive. And before long, they’re euthanized and never get a chance to live a happy life. They don’t get to play like normal dogs, they don’t receive love, and some have never even felt what it’s like to sleep in a bed.
Thankfully for Bandit, he was one of the lucky ones who got to escape that horrible life in a kill shelter. He now gets to live out the rest of his life in his new furever home!
Bandit, a senior dog, was at a high-kill shelter in Romania and was rescued by Howl Of A Dog, a nonprofit animal rescue organization. Bandit had a large tumor on his leg, causing pain and making it difficult for him to walk. Once rescued, he received surgery to remove the tumor and he’s since recovered very well from it.
Now Bandit gets to live like a normal dog and experience things for the first time that many pups take for granted, like the feeling of soft blankets and rolling around in the grass. I’m so happy that HOAD saved Bandit from such horrible living conditions!

These Cute Puppies Want You To Get Insurance

Would puppies entice you to sign up for health insurance? This company sure hopes so! Florida Blue is using adorable puppies in its latest ad hoping it will sway customers to sign up for health insurance.
Watch the ad below…what do you think? Could this convince you?

Soldier Returns From 9 Months Service And Surprises Dog With Most Adorable ‘What The Fluff’ Challenge

Unless you’ve been living under a rock recently, I’m sure you’ve seen a ‘What the Fluff challenge’ video or two online. Well, in this special clip, two internet trends have come together to make the cutest viral video you’ll see in a long while. A soldier’s homecoming gets mixed in with a ‘What the Fluff challenge’ in this adorable video.
If you don’t know what a ‘What the Fluff challenge’ is, then the premise is that a human stands in a doorway with a large sheet held in front of them. An unsuspecting dog sits and watches as their human shows their face and then raises the sheet up to hide. As they drop the sheet to the floor, they hide behind a corner or dart into another adjoining room. The dog is then left wondering where on earth their ‘magical human’ disappeared to.
It’s not just dogs that are getting the ‘What the Fluff’ treatment either, as people have started spooking their cats and even their birds. No matter the animal, the reactions are always hilarious. Some vary from confusion to minor distress, to anger, to the smarter creatures figuring out what has happened straight away.
This recent video of a soldier returning home and surprising his beloved dog using the challenge is possibly my favorite so far.
Private 1st class Kevin had been away for 9 months in Fort Bragg, training for the Special Forces Qualification. Kevin was granted leave to come home before returning to base to continue training. While his family and friends knew he was returning, there was one special guy who didn’t know the exciting news. So, instead, they decided to surprise him.
“His younger brother Jacob and I thought it would be fun to do the #WhatTheFluffChallenge. While we were all very excited and emotional to have him at home, no one was happier than our 4-year-old Golden Retriever, Zephyr, and none of us anticipated Z’s reaction.”
Kevin’s mom, Lisa Lord, captured the adorable surprise on camera for all of us to enjoy. Golden retriever Zephyr may have been unimpressed at first, but as soon as he saw Kevin, he can’t contain himself. His reaction to seeing his beloved owner is so adorable, your heart will barely be able to take it.
Watch the adorable soldier ‘What the Fluff’ video below. Have you tried the ‘What the Fluff challenge’ and had an especially great reaction? We love hearing your thoughts at Happiest, so be sure to leave your comments in the section below. Share this video with your friends to brighten up their day. 🐝

Daddy’s Trying To Teach New Puppy To Howl, His Comeback Has Everyone In Laughter

Puppies have to learn a ton of new things when they come into the world! From what is safe to eat to the fact that no one likes being nibbled on, the lessons are endless! But one of the most common puppy lessons is how to howl! Dogs are descendants of wolves and that means they adopt many of the same traits – one of which is howling. That’s why this caring new puppy dad decided that he would be the one to teach his adorable beagle pup how to howl like the wolves roaming in the wilderness.

According to Cesar’s Way, the urge to howl is part of a dog’s genetic makeup. Even as puppies, canines realize that howling is a way to draw attention to themselves and communicate important updates about their safety. That’s why dogs howl when sirens go off in the distance and when animals or people get too close to their home! These are exciting events that need alerting to in the eyes of a dog! Cesar explains that, as long as the howling isn’t accompanied by aggressive tendencies, it’s totally normal canine behavior!
So, when Mom filmed as Dad laid down with their new 8-week-old pup named Moose and placed him on his chest, she couldn’t keep her excitement to herself. This was going to be a lesson that Moose would remember forever and she wanted to capture it on tape. First, Dad started to howl loudly. Then, after a couple of barks and whimpers, Moose caught on and let out a howl that was just too cute for words. Take a peek at this adorable lesson for yourself by pressing “play” on the video below. He’s going to be a brave dog one day!

Dog Refuses To Go Inside, Internet In Hysterics Upon Seeing Daughter’s Plan Fail Miserably

Pet owners decided it was time to bring their dog Cody in the house, but he felt rather differently. At the end of the day, the natural thing to do is go inside your house, wind down, and get cozy before bedtime. Dogs, on the other hand, have a deep-rooted love for the outdoors that keep them from wanting even what their most beloved owners want them to do. For this fluffy Samoyed dog named Cody, staying outside was his greatest desire. Samoyeds love the cold and this dog is no exception.
Whether early mornings bring about the challenge of rolling out of bed, or whatever brings about the lazy moments, we all know exactly how this dog feels which is partially why this is just too funny. The attempts to get Cody inside just keep getting better with every second. Watch how Cody’s owner reacts when his laziness can’t be reversed in the adorable video below.

Mom Brings Home A New Puppy And The Older Dog’s Reaction Will Melt Your Heart

Mom Brings Home A New Puppy And The Older Dog’s Reaction Will Melt Your Heart
There’s nothing that cheers us up more than a dog with a big giddy grin. How can you possibly be in a bad mood when you’ve got a gorgeous pup staring right at you with a grin on their face? It’s not humanly possible! But sometimes we’ve gotta give back. This dog gets a puppy surprise as a thank you for being so lovable.
That’s exactly what one family did, they decided to give their dog a puppy surprise and it’s melting all of our hearts.
It turns out that this loving family has the ultimate good doggo so they wanted to give them the best surprise possible. Their dog is always so loving and kind and loves getting hugs.
That’s why they wanted to let this gorgeous golden pup have the chance to spread a little more love.
Their gorgeous golden retriever, Lulu, is such a happy dog, but she’s about to become so much happier.
The couple had just got themselves a little puppy. Another golden retriever called Benson. As thrilled as they were, they knew Lulu would also be over the moon. So they decided to surprise her with the news.
Lulu sits down patiently while her human mom enters the room with a big bag. At that moment Lulu spots her new little sibling. You can see how giddy she is as she starts running around the room.
The two dogs have become the best of pals – a happy family all around.
How adorable is this? It turns out that it’s not just humans that love being surprised with a puppy. Dogs are equally as excited to receive a new best pal to love and play with.
Don’t forget to watch as this gorgeous dog gets a puppy surprise in the video below. Also, at Happiest we love hearing all of your opinions. So please let us know what you thought of the article in the comment section.

Woman adopted two lion cubs but was forced to give them up. Now she goes to visit them after 7 years away

Animals, unlike humans, will never forget what you’ve done for them. This is proven many times before, and here is another story that testifies about animals’ love and loyalty.
It doesn’t matter how long time passed since the separation, it can be weeks, months or even years, because animals are uniquely capable to recognize someone who has shown them compassion, love and kindness in the past.
My first video to witness this incredible reaction of an animal meeting its caretaker after a long time was of a dog that had been lost then found again and returned to his owners. However, this is the first time to see not one but two lions meeting the woman who’s been taking care of them 7 years ago and then reacting in such never seen way to meeting her after long years.
Just watch the encounter in the video below and I promise you it will stir feelings.
According to British paper the Daily Mirror, a woman had adopted two abandoned lions 7 years ago. However, as they grew she couldn’t take care of them anymore, and so they were placed in a zoo in Switzerland.
The wild cats were later moved to a specialist lion park in Slovakia, where this amazing reunion takes place.
No one could expect the reaction these two lions would give upon seeing the woman. Obviously, it’s a nervous moment as the big cats approach quickly the gate.
But then watch what happens when the pair of them jump up at the gate and recognize a familiar face.
This video is to disapprove anyone who says that animals don’t have feelings.
What an amazing and special moment to see – true love never fails to disappoint.

Feel free to share this lovely clip with all your animal loving friends.

Puppy Digs Hole at the Beach and Gets Mad at the Ocean for Filling It

As an adult, it can be hard not to feel like you’re a dog on a beach digging a hole. And there’s an ocean filling that hole. And you can’t figure out why because you’re a cute and silly puppy.
If you have no idea what we’re talking about, watch the video above. In it, a delightful doggo has devoted his afternoon on the beach to doing what he was born to do: digging holes. His name is Angus, and he’s a golden retriever. He’s just a child, but over the course of the video he learns what it is to be an adult.
Angus does a great job digging. He even seems to have used his mouth to dig parts of the hole, which is not exactly advisable or efficient, but shows a lot of heart. Then at around 15 seconds in, the sea starts to lap at the hole’s edges. Angus throws himself about in confusion. By 45 seconds in, the hole is filled with ocean water. Angus just keeps running back and forth to the water-filled hole. He is furious. It is as adorable as it is profound.
via Thrillist

Dog Tries Out Piano At Music Store, Then Sings Better Than Most People Ever Could

“You ain’t nothing but a hound dog” or maybe this dog is much, much more. In fact, this dog is a musical prodigy. This gorgeous pup loves nothing more than playing the piano and singing with all his might. Yes, this piano playing dog also loves to sing along to his own compositions.
This gorgeous piano playing dog loves nothing more than belting out a tune with some gorgeous vocals to match.
Granted, this beautiful pup isn’t the first animal we’ve seen who loves tickling the ivories – but he is the first to put some powerful vocals into the mix.
Have you ever seen a piano playing dog? What about one that sings as he plays? This has to be the best of all the ‘good boys’ in the land
Not much is known about this energetic brown pup, but what is known is that this dog has some serious flair and soul.
The video has had over 11 million views on Facebook and it has been shared over 307,000 times. So clearly people are enjoying his musical talents.
But would you want to have a musical dog? Could you handle the noise? It seems that a lot of people would. It would certainly be a great party trick to entertain guests with.
I don’t know about you, but the more I hear this dog wail along to the piano, the more I start to love him.

Dog can’t stop crying after realizing he’s been abandoned at the animal shelter!

When we take in pets, we must keep in mind that we are making a commitment to them. They might be a part of our lives, but for them, their owners are the world.
They are so devoted to their owners—they are sad to see them leave for work and can’t contain their happiness when they come home.
Sadly, their loyalty is not repaid by so many people. They abandon their pets to the animal shelter over the smallest reasons, and it can be very distressing to the animal.
His eyes were brimming with tears, and he was literally shaking with fear.
This story is about a dog named AJ. He was abandoned at the Carson Animal Control Agency. He had no idea why he was left there, and he was in extreme distress. Just look at how scared he looked!
This poor dog looks so innocent—he must have never even hurt a fly in his life. He looks so confused.
Why did the people who he loved the most betray him like this? Sadly, if he isn’t adopted soon, then he will be put down.
This is why it’s so important to adopt pets rather than shop for new ones.
Innocent animals like AJ can lose their lives, thanks to the thoughtlessness of another person.
Aggression in dog makes it difficult for those who live in animal shelter to be adopted, as no one wants to get hurt from their new pet.
Having to put them down is usually a last resort, after months are spent trying to socialize these poor animals who didn’t have a say in their upbringing.

Babysitting Dog Never Knew How To Love A Baby!

“We taught our dog how to play keyboard, how to change traffic lights and how to swing a baby crib, but we never had to teach him how to love our daughter.”
Charlie the Beagle was introduced to baby Laura the moment she came home. His family has taught him how to help change her diapers, swing her baby crib, changes the traffic lights when they cross the street and play gently with her. But the one thing they never had to teach him is how to love their daughter. The sweet dog brings a smile to her face every day!
This is great, and you can’t ignore it. Watch and SHARE their precious moments together with your friends and family! Also be sure to drop a comment and tell us what you think about it.
Credit: We Love Animals

Mom Bribes Baby To Say ‘Mama,’ With Food, Dies Of Laughter When Dog Says ‘Mama’ First

And the baby’s reaction is even more hilarious to watch…
We all know that babies and dogs can bring so much fun and smiles into a home, and that is certainly the case for the Diaz-Giovanini family from Utah. Mom Andrea wanted to reward her nine-month-old boy Sam and wanted to hear the word “mama” come out of his mouth, but she certainly didn’t expect to hear it coming from someone else!
The adorable dog Patch almost immediately listened to her and howls “mama” a few times.
It’s absolutely sweet, hilarious and about the most loveable thing we’ve seen all day. Patch’s howl is also surprisingly accurate. This dog has quite the talent!

The pup also always kept his eyes locked on the food that Andrea was holding in her hand, as if he wanted to claim the reward completely for himself.
The whole thing becomes even funnier when baby Sam realizes that Patch is trying to steal his spotlight.
Share this video! Don’t miss out on everyday entertainment, like our Facebook page today and share to your friends!

Dog Is Rescued From A Slaughterhouse, And She Can’t Stop Hugging The Man Who Saved Her

Did you know about the dog meat trade in Southeast Asia? Every day, dogs are killed for their meat in Cambodia. They are then eaten. This practice is disgusting, heartbreaking, nauseating even. Thankfully there are humans who are on a mission to rescue dogs who are about to meet this horrific fate. One, in particular, Michael Chour, is sacrificing everything to save the lives of as many helpless dogs as he can. Helpless lives like Sweety’s who, in return, could not stop showing her gratitude.
Just as a dog senses danger, it knows when it’s about to be slaughtered. This terror is possibly one of the darkest reaches of the mind that a dog will face. I can only imagine the horror that Sweety must have endured having been just moments away from a gruesome fate. Being rescued in her final moments must have sent a wave of relief, gratitude, and shock through her. So much so, that she could not stop hugging Michael when he embraced her.

Michael is the founder of The Sound of Animals, a rescue organization which caters specifically to saving dogs from the meat trade. He negotiated with the owner of the meat farm and was able to save 17 dogs that day. One of whom was Sweety.
If you don’t believe that dogs have feelings– if you don’t believe that dogs understand fear, terror, happiness, and gratitude, then watch this video. Dogs love us unconditionally because they are grateful. They protect us because they sense danger. They hide when they get in trouble because they are afraid. Dogs are aware, they are just as special and unique as people and should be treated with love and care as such.
I am so grateful for Michael, his vision, and all the hard work he puts into saving dogs just like Sweety.
Michael fell in love with Sweety that day. As her rescuer, they formed an unbreakable bond. He decided to keep her and nurture that beautiful bond.
Thank you, Michael, for your passion and compassion. Your acts of kindness to dogs are extraordinary. If anyone would like to help Michael and his efforts, you can donate to The Sound of Animals here.

Dog Approaches Recently-Rescued, Sick Horse To Tell Him It’s Going To Be Okay

Molly is the resident dog at Carolina Equine Rescue and Assistance (CERA), and she has taken it upon herself to make sure all of the abused and neglected animals that come into their care feel right at home. Dogs, cats, pigs, goats, horses — it doesn’t matter. The Golden Retriever comforts every new arrival to the sanctuary and lets them know they have a friend in her.
So when an emaciated silver dapple miniature horse named Sammie arrived at the rescue, the three-year-old dog did her thing.

The little horse was found by animal control wandering the streets of South Carolina 100-pounds underweight with painful dental issues and a possible birth defect causing issues with his hind legs. It would take a lot of time and money to bring the horse back to health, so one vet suggested Sammie be euthanized if they couldn’t find a rescue to take him in.

The shelter contacted Darlene Kindle, founder of CERA, in hopes of finding Sammie a home. She asked what it would entail to treat the horse and if he had the will to live in his eyes. The vet said yes, and that’s all it took.
Sammie arrived and immediately started gobbling at the grass showing his eagerness to get better. 🙂
And of course, Molly was there to welcome the newest member. As Darlene sat there in a rocking chair, she watched Molly walk over to Sammie and comfort him as if to say, “Everything is going to be all right.” “She was telling him, ‘It’s going to be OK, and you’re going to be OK. This lady over here is going to help you, so just be patient,’” Darlene told The Dodo. “[She was] comforting him, and making sure he’s happy being here.”
The video caught on when posted to Facebook and has since been viewed over half a million times!
Molly the Golden Retriever has an unbelievable knack for knowing when others feel down and out, and it shows in her work every day at the rescue.

Sammie still needs to gain some weight before some of his other medical issues can be addressed, so he’s eating three healthy meals per day. He’s also taking short “power walks” to help build up the muscles in his back legs. It’s going to be a journey, but at least Sammie has Molly there by his side for support.

City Treasurer Starved K-9 Police Dogs Because Feeding Them Would Cost Too Much

A city treasurer from Mexico was reportedly starving their K-9 police dogs because he claimed that their food was too expensive.
Mexican news site El-Mexicano and HOY Estado de Mexico published an article claiming Municipal Treasurer Rodolfo Guerrero Duran of Silao, Guanajuato, Mexico; is responsible for the poor condition of their municipality’s K-9 dogs.
According to and, the treasurer decided to cut the budget for the food maintenance of these service dogs as he claimed that the municipality cannot afford to spend money on them.
According to and, the treasurer decided to cut the budget for the food maintenance of these service dogs as he claimed that the municipality cannot afford to spend money on them.Different blogs who published the story of these poor K-9 units encouraged their readers to sign the petition from Daily Petition that aims to relieve the government official from office.
“It is our firm belief that cutting funds for the K-9 units is completely unacceptable and a total disgrace. We, the undersigned, urge the authorities to re-evaluate this measure and start feeding the dogs as soon as possible, in addition to relieving Mr. Duran from office. We stand firm that such people should not be in the service of the community in any circumstances[SIC]. The canines have done nothing but a wonderful job protecting the local administration and the people of Silao, keeping everyone safe and out of harm’s way. I reckon they deserve a little more respect than this! Please take urgent action for the dogs from Silao. They need our help more than ever. It is imperative they receive proper food before they do not collapse and die!”

Do you think the reason given by the treasurer is in any way acceptable? Let us know your insight!