Daddy’s Trying To Teach New Puppy To Howl, His Comeback Has Everyone In Laughter

Puppies have to learn a ton of new things when they come into the world! From what is safe to eat to the fact that no one likes being nibbled on, the lessons are endless! But one of the most common puppy lessons is how to howl! Dogs are descendants of wolves and that means they adopt many of the same traits – one of which is howling. That’s why this caring new puppy dad decided that he would be the one to teach his adorable beagle pup how to howl like the wolves roaming in the wilderness.

According to Cesar’s Way, the urge to howl is part of a dog’s genetic makeup. Even as puppies, canines realize that howling is a way to draw attention to themselves and communicate important updates about their safety. That’s why dogs howl when sirens go off in the distance and when animals or people get too close to their home! These are exciting events that need alerting to in the eyes of a dog! Cesar explains that, as long as the howling isn’t accompanied by aggressive tendencies, it’s totally normal canine behavior!
So, when Mom filmed as Dad laid down with their new 8-week-old pup named Moose and placed him on his chest, she couldn’t keep her excitement to herself. This was going to be a lesson that Moose would remember forever and she wanted to capture it on tape. First, Dad started to howl loudly. Then, after a couple of barks and whimpers, Moose caught on and let out a howl that was just too cute for words. Take a peek at this adorable lesson for yourself by pressing “play” on the video below. He’s going to be a brave dog one day!