Dog Shares Her Food With Her Sick, Scared New Brother

In 2016, Jessica Rojo Savard was scrolling through Facebook. As she looked through her feed, she happened to see a post about an emaciated, mange-ridden dog who had been rescued from the streets of Mendoza, Argentina.

The rescuer was looking for somebody to adopt the tiny dog, and Jessica quickly decided she wanted the pup. She already had a dog and a cat and hadn’t been planning on adopting any more animals, but she felt an immediate connection with the little dog in the photo.

The dog stayed at the veterinary clinic for a few weeks while they treated his mange.
Then, once his mange wasn’t contagious anymore, Jessica was able to bring him home. She headed to the veterinary clinic and met the pup for the first time.
The pup was still skinny and sick, and the secretary at the veterinary clinic said he looked a bit like a meerkat. That gave Jessica an idea for his name—she decided to call him Timon after the meerkat from “The Lion King.” She then shortened that to Timmy.
Jessica brought little Timmy home and helped the pup heal both physically and emotionally.
Timmy was scared of everything, from the broom to Jessica’s other animals. It was clear that pup had suffered abuse before.
Jessica’s other dog, Juanita, seemed to sense that Timmy needed some extra love and care. She tried to spend time with him, but he always ran away.
But then, Juanita found the way to Timmy’s heart: food!
“I kept Juanita’s food on a chair so that Timmy did not binge eat and be sick to his tiny stomach, so after devouring his portion, he would stare sadly at Juanita on the chair,” Jessica told The Dodo.
Juanita noticed Timmy looking at her food, and she quickly decided that she would share with him.
“Juanita took food from her dish, placed it on the chair and nudged it to the floor,” Jessica said. “It was truly humbling to witness.”
After Juanita’s act of kindness, Timmy started warming up to his family.
Soon, the formerly shy dog was outgoing and cheerful. He gained weight, and his fur became shiny and beautiful. Everyone in Jessica’s neighborhood was amazed by Timmy’s transformation!
Timmy and Juanita also became very close. The two started sleeping in the same bed, and they spent all their time together.
In 2017, Jessica gave birth to a little girl named Julia. Now, Julia is 11 months old, and she and Timmy are best buddies.
“They are the best of friends, up to the point that I feel a bit left out,” Jessica said. “Sometimes Julia would push me aside to get to him or Timmy will climb over me to reach her.”
Timmy has gone through a truly remarkable transformation during his two years at Jessica’s house. Thanks to Jessica and Juanita’s patience and kindness, Timmy has gone from a shy, scared dog to a happy pup with a loving family. We’re so glad this dog has found such a great home!
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