Owner laughed at crying dog dumped at the shelter, but it’s the dog who got the last laugh!

Jack is a pit bull and when he was unceremoniously dumped at a nearby shelter once his owner decided that he did not want him anymore.
What makes this story even sadder is that Jack was somehow able to tell that this moment was coming. He cried and whimpered in hopes of getting his owner to reconsider.
Instead of realizing the error of his ways; Jack’s owner merely laughed in his face and continued onward with his evil plan.
Can you believe that someone would decide to dump a dog at the local shelter on Christmas Day…of all the days you could possibly decide to make such a heartless choice?
Jack did not have any sort of ailment or illness; he was not unruly and there was nothing visibly wrong with him.
The staff quickly came to the decision that the shelter was no place for a pit bull who had been kicked out of a perfectly fine forever home for no reason at all and they decided to take a different course of action.
They utilized their social media pages as a means of promoting Jack for adoption; and as you may have guessed, this gambit worked like a charm.
Thanks to the assistance of a few local animal rescue providers; pit bull was saved from a life on the streets and given the chance to enjoy a better existence.
The adoption offers came pouring in rapidly and Jack was given several options for a forever home.
We are glad to report that he has been adopted by people who love him; and he will never have to suffer through the indignity of being ditched on Christmas ever again.
Please be sure to share this story with your family and your closest friends who love animals as much you do; so that awareness can be raised about the experiences that Jack was forced to endure.

Hopefully, these stories will one day become a thing of the past once and for all!
SOURCE: doggiescare.com