Dog Refuses To Go Inside, Internet In Hysterics Upon Seeing Daughter’s Plan Fail Miserably

Pet owners decided it was time to bring their dog Cody in the house, but he felt rather differently. At the end of the day, the natural thing to do is go inside your house, wind down, and get cozy before bedtime. Dogs, on the other hand, have a deep-rooted love for the outdoors that keep them from wanting even what their most beloved owners want them to do. For this fluffy Samoyed dog named Cody, staying outside was his greatest desire. Samoyeds love the cold and this dog is no exception.
Whether early mornings bring about the challenge of rolling out of bed, or whatever brings about the lazy moments, we all know exactly how this dog feels which is partially why this is just too funny. The attempts to get Cody inside just keep getting better with every second. Watch how Cody’s owner reacts when his laziness can’t be reversed in the adorable video below.