A Couple Confused and Upset After Dog Was Accidentally Put To Sleep

We all know that one day we must have some kind of difficult situation as dog lovers, to have our pet put to sleep if he is in pain, but this couple was baffled why their dog was euthanized!
They had tears in their eyes and while they held their cell phone to show a photo of their beloved dog, Tony Wand said: – “This is a photo of my dog, it was taken yesterday before yesterday.”

Tony took the picture of his lovely sweet doggie, called Moses like we all do, but he had no clue at the time it would be one of the last he would take of the poor doggie…
A few weeks before there was a maintenance worker that came to Tony’s backyard, unannounced, Moses bit the guy, he was doing his job and protecting their home, simply put!
The family was then ordered to take Moses to the Animal COntrol at Tazewell County, which they did, of course!
Jennifer Wang said:
“They said that they would like to keep him for 10 days under quarantine to make sure that everything was safe with him”
Then the Thursday morning the couple got a call from a worker at the animal control, he confused Moses with another dog and put him to sleep, the family was both speechless and shocked and very confused.
Tony said:
“I asked him why did you still euthanize him? He told me he was not thinking, he said he didn’t verify, he just went ahead and did it.”
Tazewell County Animal Control said:
“On August 7th, Tazewell County Animal Control mistakenly euthanized a dog that was being held in our facility on a 10-day bite quarantine.”
“Tazewell County truly regrets this error. Tazewell County will be reviewing policies and procedures to prevent any such occurrence from happening in the future.”
The family has pictures of the doggie in his favorite spot and some with his best friends too be that just reminds them of their pain in how he was taken from them before his time.
Jennifer said:
“If he needed to be euthanized which he wasn’t, he deserved to be with his family …We should’ve been the last face he seen, instead of a stranger poking him with a stick.”
The family is now trying to work out what they will do now, they are reaching out to lawyers and hoping that someone will take their case, but they’ve had no response as yet…
Let’s help them in their battle and SHARE this story and maybe the public support can help them to be heard and get justice for their beloved dog, this procedure certainly needs to change!