Puppy Digs Hole at the Beach and Gets Mad at the Ocean for Filling It

As an adult, it can be hard not to feel like you’re a dog on a beach digging a hole. And there’s an ocean filling that hole. And you can’t figure out why because you’re a cute and silly puppy.
If you have no idea what we’re talking about, watch the video above. In it, a delightful doggo has devoted his afternoon on the beach to doing what he was born to do: digging holes. His name is Angus, and he’s a golden retriever. He’s just a child, but over the course of the video he learns what it is to be an adult.
Angus does a great job digging. He even seems to have used his mouth to dig parts of the hole, which is not exactly advisable or efficient, but shows a lot of heart. Then at around 15 seconds in, the sea starts to lap at the hole’s edges. Angus throws himself about in confusion. By 45 seconds in, the hole is filled with ocean water. Angus just keeps running back and forth to the water-filled hole. He is furious. It is as adorable as it is profound.
via Thrillist